Ruth Smith is a beloved board member in the Heart of Texas Homeless Coalition. She has a background in teaching, having a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and teaching first grade in several states ending in Waco ISD at Parkdale. She became a member of the Heart of Texas Homeless Coalition in 2016 and represents the faith community through her church, Woodway Methodist. 

As a current board member, she keeps the faith community top-of-mind in her decisions and recommendations. “I belong to a generous church, and the church has helped in many ways by being at events, providing supplies and money. ”

She has helped the Homeless Coalitions significantly through her many contributions and dedication, and we’re blessed to have her on our board. She received one of our annual HOTHC awards in 2018. “I was drawn to the Homeless Coalition because I know how blessed I am, and I want to help people who have great needs in any way that I can,” Ruth said.

Ruth prioritizes her faith in everything she does. “I try to put God first and to answer His call in my life. My husband, children, grandchildren and good friends come after,” Ruth said.

Outside of her different community involvements, Ruth has traveled a lot and would be open to traveling to any new destinations with her family. She would live on chocolate if she had to choose only one food for the rest of her life.  She is currently reading, and would recommend, The Story and You Changed My Life by Max Lucado. 

Meet Ruth Smith