Autumn concept or fall time – a single cup of coffee with a red fallen leaf
The fall season is widely beloved for its joyous gatherings with loved ones, travel and holiday cheer. Various stressors also often accompany this time of year, from finances to family conflict, and 2020 has added another thing to worry about: COVID-19. Families and individuals must make critical decisions around wearing masks, implementing social distancing at meals and deciding whether or not to gather together at all. These unusual circumstances have led to a spike in anxiety, stress and loneliness for a significant number of people across our country and our state.
We’re thrilled to share that Texans Recovering Together is working to provide a helpful and timely resource to combat anxiety, depression and beyond. Texans Recovering Together is the state’s Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP). This program is designed to provide short-term stress management and counseling to people affected by a disaster, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The CCP seeks to accomplish the following:
- Empower survivors by educating them about disaster reactions
- Teaching or reinforcing coping skills
- Assessing for individual needs
- Linking to appropriate community resources
Texans Recovering Together is currently offering free mental health support from qualified professionals. If you are experiencing anxiety, stress and/or loneliness during this holiday season, call the toll-free number 866-576-1101. You can also learn more about Texans Recovering Together at this website.
Unfortunately, mental health for so many people has suffered greatly this year as a result of isolation, job loss, health problems and uncertainty. Please tell your friends and family you love them. Show kindness to strangers. Even a small gesture can go a long way. While in-person gatherings may look different or be impossible this year during the holidays, we can still make an effort to love those around us. We’re in this together!