If you are experiencing homelessness and you would like to be assessed for available housing options in the Heart of Texas region, please call Heart to Home Coordinated Entry at 254-297-8929, or go to an access point to be assessed.
Make a donation to the Heart of Texas Homeless Coalition!
Heart of Texas Homeless Coalition
The Heart of Texas Homeless Coalition (HOTHC) is recognized as a 503c3 tax exempt organization.
The HOTHC works towards:
- Fostering public education & awareness about the issue of homelessness.
- Improve outreach to homeless persons.
- Identify gaps or duplications in services and develop strategic plans to provide a continuum of care when serving the homeless.
- Advocate for quality institutional and non-institutional care and individualized treatment for the mentally ill homeless.
The services and programs of member organizations include, but are not limited to:
- Housing
- Crisis Intervention
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- Case Management
- Client Advocacy
- Family Education and Support
The HOTHC meets monthly on the third Friday of the month at 11:45. Member organization take turns providing lunch. If you would like to reserve a lunch, please email with your RSVP by no later than 5:00 on the Tuesday before the Friday meeting. Meeting locations vary from month to month. For the most up to date information on meeting location please call, email or check the website: www.heartoftexashomeless.org/heart-of-texas-homeless-coalition-calendar-of-events/meeting-dates

Job Opportunities with Community Partners Family Abuse Center Director of Development Director of Residential Services Lead Resident Advocate If you have a job opening to be posted, please email us.